Happy New Year!!!

If you do a little research you will come to know that New Year is celebrated with equal enthusiasm everywhere.
Here is a list of some of the interesting ways to celebrate the New Year:
England: The English custom for welcoming New Year is full of hospitality and warmth. They believe that the first guest for the year would bring fortune for them.
He should be a male, should enter through the front door and bear some traditional gifts like loaf for the kitchen, drink for the head of the family and coal to light the fire, otherwise he is not allowed. They believe that these bring good luck throughout the year.
Wales: In Wales, during midnight, at the initial toll, the back door of the house is first opened and then immediately shut. This symbolizes releasing the old year and locking out all the bad luck it brought. At the 12th toll of the clock, the door is re-opened to welcome the New Year will all its goodness, luck and prosperity.
Philippines: They believe that every round thing is auspicious. So they consume grapes, have coins, wear polkas dotted dresses, as they have faith that circular things attract more fortune and money. They also throw coins as New Year begins to increase wealth and prosperity.
Spain: They eat 12 grapes at every toll of the clock during the New Year. This they believe will bring good luck and happiness for the coming 12 months.
United States: They believe kissing during midnight as the year approaches, is an auspicious gesture that purifies everything that is evil.
Cultures and traditions vary in different parts of the world but almost all of them are meant to bring happiness, prosperity and good luck in the New Year.




  • www.newyear.com
  • www.Youtube.com

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